6 ways to improve body image

Group of women holding hands and looking happy

Lots of people suffer with negative body image and if you are one of them, then this blog post is for you. Today I’m sharing 6 ways to improve your body image that you can implement straight away.

Personally, I suffered with negative body image for years, from my teens through to my 30s. It impacted my self-esteem, self acceptance and my relationship with food. So, I really understand. These are 6 ways to improve your body image today…

#1 - Work on your self-talk

I imagine that right about now your self-talk is pretty negative isn’t it? I know that because so was mine. I used to say really horrible things to myself. So I urge you to start to notice what you say to yourself and then try and be more kind to yourself.

If you wouldn’t say that thing to your friend or partner or child, then don’t say it to yourself.

You can also use positive affirmations – not all of them will resonate so don’t worry. I used to find them a bit woo woo myself, but just in case this is the kind of thing you like, here’s a link to some affirmations that might help you too.

#2 - Focus on what your body does

… not what it looks like.

This is hard because we’ve been conditioned to spend our time, energy and effort changing our bodies and trying to fit society’s standards of what beauty is.

We must remember that body trends are ridiculous and exist because a group of powerful men in the fashion and diet industries make a lot of money telling us that we should look a certain way.

So I encourage you to focus on what your body does – laughing, dancing, creating. What does your body allow you to do?  See friends, hang out, work, create, have fun, chat, read...?

We’re able to do so many things because our body allows it. I encourage you to focus on these things and then feel appreciation and gratitude for them.


#3 - Find things you DO like

I spent so much time berating myself for not looking the way I wanted to. I said horrible and hateful things to myself about my body.

So here I encourage you to focus on what you DO like. It could either be physical things like maybe you love your hair, your nails or your eyelashes. I also encourage you to focus on qualities, because you are more than a body…

Maybe you are kind, compassionate, passionate, generous, enthusiastic, fun and outgoing? Spend some time focusing on these aspects of you and considering how you are so much more than just a body.


#4 - Avoid comparison

Comparison is the thief of joy – I really believe that quote.

We can be having a wonderful day and then you see someone on social media who seems to have their shit together and suddenly your day is a lot worse. Because you are comparing yourself negatively to that person.

Comparison can suck the joy out of things very quickly.

It’s worth remembering that people post their highlight reel on social media.  And then you’re comparing their highlight reel with your day to day, or even your low lights. You’re not comparing like for like!


#5 Wear comfortable clothes

My body image is so much worse when I am wearing tight and uncomfortable clothes. I feel uncomfortable and it highlights things I might like less about my body.

I really encourage you to buy clothes that fit – remember clothes are meant to fit your body not the other way around.

Last but definitely not least…


#6 Do a social media detox

If you are currently following accounts that make you feel bad about your body I encourage you to stop following them.

Don’t keep them there for inspo.

I promise it’s not real inspo if that person makes you feel bad about your body. Perhaps it’s time to spend an hour or two unfollowing accounts that focus on shrinking bodies, or display before and after pics or are fat shaming.

Whilst you’re at it, it’s probably helpful to remove anyone who discusses very restrictive approach with food.

Then go through and find body positive accounts run by people with diverse body sizes, and some food freedom accounts too

I really hope you find this helpful!

If body image is something you would like to work on, then you can join my one hour workshop – body freedom matters – to improve your body image. It will help you to release body shame to feel confident in your skin; appreciate your body each time you look in the mirror and to improve your self-worth and body confidence.

Join the workshop here.